Congratulations on deciding to purchase the Excel Your Tweets, please fill in the required details below and submit the order. We will send you an invoice (for £96.00) which can be paid by internet transfer. When you make the payment, please make sure that you state the invoice number as the reference. Once the payment has been received, we will send you the spreadsheet. Please note that we will keep your details on record, so if we make any upgrades to the Excel Your Tweets, we can send you the updated copy (provided you have opted in to receive upgrades). Please note that at the moment, this spreadsheet can only be purchased from within the UK, or internationally (outside of the EU) (Countries within the EU will be added in due course). The spreadsheet has been tested using Excel from Office 365, and it should work with most recent Excel versions. Although there is other spreadsheet software that claims to be compatible with Excel, we can’t guarantee that it will support this spreadsheet.

In order to purchase this product, we need to send you an invoice and then the spreadsheet. To do that we need to collect some information from you. The contact form below is colour coordinated, and the boxes below can be expanded to see what information we require, and why we need it. If you’re not sure how to complete this form, or need some help, please contact us and we will help you.

What contact details we need and why we need them

NAME: We just need your name so that we know who to address our reply to.

EMAIL ADDRESS: We will email you the invoice and the spreadsheet(s) via email. We may also need to get hold of you for future updates (if you opt in) or if there are any issues.

CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: You don’t need to give us your number of you don’t want to. If you would prefer a call if we need more information or need to get you a message about your order, give us your contact number. If not, we’ll email you.

What invoice details we need and why we need them

VAT NUMBER: We are NOT currently VAT registered, so we don’t charge VAT, but we will put your VAT number on the invoice if you wish. If you’d like us to do so, please include it here.

LOCATION: We’d just like to know where you are in the world, as the invoices vary from region to region. We don’t need to know exactly where you are, just if you are in the UK, EU, or outside of both.

BUSINESS INVOICE NAME: This is just the name you’d like us to put on the invoice. Usually a business name, but any company name or personal name that you would like us to make the invoice out to.

ADDRESS AND POSTCODE: We need an address on the invoice, that is why we need this address. We will not send you any mail.

VOUCHER CODE: Occasionally, we run promotions, and when we do so we give out voucher codes that expire. If you have such a code, enter it here. Entering a valid code will not show anything here, but will show on the invoice. If you enter an invalid code, we will contact you before sending you the invoice.

What spreadsheet details we need and why we need them

NAME TO APPEAR ON SPREADSHEET: Most of our spreadsheets have a name which we lock into the spreadsheet, which will show who has purchased the spreadsheet. It may show on most of the tabs of the spreadsheet. Let us know what name to put in here, whether a business or personal name. If no name is provided, we’ll use the name on the invoice.

OPT IN OR OPT OUT: We periodically make upgrades to the spreadsheets. If you would like to receive any future upgrades, you can do so by opting in. We will add £60 to your invoice, and send you an invoice every year (on your purchase date anniversary) for £60 for the year. This will mean that if any upgrades are done that year, you will receive them free of charge. If you opt out, we will not charge you the extra £60 (or the annual fee) but you will not receive any future upgrades. If there are issues with the spreadsheet, we will fix those, the opt in is only for upgrades. You can end the opt in at any stage by emailing us.

CONSULTATION: We have made demo videos for all of our spreadsheets, however sometimes people would like some personal assistance to make sure that they can use the spreadsheets properly. If you would like an hour long Zoom, Skype, or Teams call where I (Richard Sumner, the owner of Spreadsheet Solutions) will show you how to use the spreadsheet, then we can arrange this. It will cost £50 and if selected, will be added to your invoice. You don’t need to do this, if the demo video is enough for you, simply decline this offer.

REQUESTS OR NOTES: We often get orders for spreadsheets where people have special requests or messages for us. If you would like to say anything, request anything, or ask any questions, please do so here.

What confirmation details we need and why we need them

ACCEPT OUR T&C: Please note that although we test the spreadsheets, we can not be held reliable for any issues that may occur from the use of this spreadsheet, including any errors. We will endeavour to repair any errors, although we can not be held responsible for anything that may result from such. Please contact us should you find any errors. You can find our full terms and conditions here.

CAPTCHA: You know the deal, with so much spam around, we just want to know that you are in fact a human.

Complete to purchase the product


Opt in or opt out for future upgrades

Consultation with someone to explain the spreadsheet

Accept terms & conditions

13 + 6 =

Terms & Conditions
Once the Client has paid Sumcor Ltd trading as Spreadsheet Solutions (from now on referred to as Spreadsheet Solutions), you, the Client accept the worksheets as a complete satisfaction and realisation of the entire Scope of Work, instructions and parameters presented to Spreadsheet Solutions. Client additionally assumes all responsibility and liability for testing the functionality, validity, and accuracy of the program and holds Spreadsheet Solutions harmless for any liability or damages arising from the use of Spreadsheet Solutions’ worksheets developed by Spreadsheet Solutions. Included at no additional charge with the purchase of the file, Spreadsheet Solutions will debug and correct any functionality issues arising from Client’s due diligence review and testing of the worksheets within the framework of the original Scope of Work for 30 days from the date of payment. Spreadsheet Solutions specifically offers no warranty or guarantee to the functionality, validity, or accuracy of the worksheets. At no stage will Spreadsheet Solutions refund any money. You are not permitted to send any documents created by Spreadsheet Solutions to any other company or individual without our permission. Redistribution of software created by Spreadsheet Solutions is prohibited.