Hello, and welcome to the Sidelines spreadsheet downloads. These are spreadsheets which I have made, to be used with the mobile game, Sidelines.

I go by the name of The Excel-lent in the game, with the club name of Excel United. So, if you find these spreadsheets helpful, please do tag me and let me know.

Just to be clear, all these spreadsheets are made by me, and are not in any way official. I do discuss things with Ejay (the game designer) from time to time, but these spreadsheets are my creations based on my experience of the game. I merely play the game, and have no input into the making of it.

Please have a look at the available downloads below, with the relevant demo video link on YouTube.

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Last update to this page: 11/09/2024

Sidelines Push Token Budget

Spreadsheet Solutions - Sidelines Push Token Budget

If you’re planning a push, this will help you budget for the tokens required. In D8 to D2, this covers the spas, and in D1 it covers the spas and club reputation ‘gates’. It helps you plan, and then track what you still need to spend during the push season.

Sidelines Training Calculator

Spreadsheet Solutions - Sidelines Training Calculator

This will help you to decide what skill to train each player. You enter the player’s overall ratings and skill ratings, and some trainer information, and the spreadsheet will tell you what skill to train each player and more. This works on your ideal ‘build’ for each position.

Sidelines Friendly League

Spreadsheet Solutions - Sidelines Friendly League

If you would like to organise a league of pub mates, and have the spreadsheet calculate the fixture and create the league table, then this is for you. All you have to do is arrange the friendlies in the pub to determine the results.

Sidelines Legend Tracker

Spreadsheet Solutions - Sidelines Legends Tracker

This one is designed to be used on your phone or laptop. Enter the required details for each player signed (I’d recommend main squad players only) and then enter their details when you sell them. The spreadsheet then tracks their achievements at your club, and shows you who the club legends are.

Click below to visit the Sidelines Masterclasses page