House Hunting Report – £35

House Hunting Report – £35

Home Basic Range HOUSE HUNTING REPORT What this spreadsheet does: It keeps you on top of your search for a new house. Who this is ideal for: Anyone looking to buy a house. Why you need this spreadsheet: Let’s be honest, when you’re looking to buy a house,...
Column Sorter – £35

Column Sorter – £35

Home Basic Range COLUMN SORTER What this spreadsheet does: It re-arranges the order of columns in a batch of data. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who downloads data (usually as a CSV) and the data is in the wrong order. Why you need this spreadsheet: People often get...
Job Application Tracker – £25

Job Application Tracker – £25

Home Basic Range JOB APPLICATION TRACKER What this spreadsheet does: It helps you keep on top of your job search and applications. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who is looking for a job and applying for various jobs. Why you need this spreadsheet: Looking for a job...
Pre-School Schedule – £25

Pre-School Schedule – £25

Home Basic Range PRE-SCHOOL SCHEDULE What this spreadsheet does: It helps you keep on top of your child’s pre-school fees. Who this is ideal for: Anyone with a child at pre-school, who wants to keep on top of their fees. Why you need this spreadsheet: If your...
Mileage for Business Use – £25

Mileage for Business Use – £25

Home Basic Range MILEAGE FOR BUSINESS USE What this spreadsheet does: It keeps track of what you can claim each month for using your private vehicle for business. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who uses their personal vehicle for business purposes. Why you need this...