Quote Calculator & Report – £220

Quote Calculator & Report – £220

Home Store QUOTE CALCULATOR & REPORT What this spreadsheet does: It help you to quickly generate quotes from your price list, and reports on your conversion rate. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who spends too much time doing quotes, and would like to make the...
Photographer Simple CRM – £280

Photographer Simple CRM – £280

Home Store PHOTOGRAPHER SIMPLE CRM What this spreadsheet does: It helps photographers to generate quotes and invoices, and provides various reports on their projects. Who this is ideal for: Any photographer who finds they take more time doing mundane admin tasks than...
Sales & Marketing Dashboard – £200

Sales & Marketing Dashboard – £200

Home Store SALES & MARKETING DASHBOARD What this spreadsheet does: It gives you a report on your marketing return on investment, showing you which marketing avenues are more cost effective. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who knows where their sales are coming from....
Income & Expense Report – £150

Income & Expense Report – £150

Home Store INCOME & EXPENSE REPORT What this spreadsheet does: It monitors your income and expense, creates VAT returns, and generally acts as a bookkeeping solution. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who would prefer to use a spreadsheet for their bookkeeping than a...
Voucher Code Database – £120

Voucher Code Database – £120

Home Store VOUCHER CODE DATABASE What this spreadsheet does: It generates paper vouchers, and then helps you to monitor which vouchers are still outstanding. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who wants to issue numbered paper vouchers, and then track which vouchers have...