by Richard | Dec 14, 2018
Home Store VOUCHER CODE DATABASE What this spreadsheet does: It generates paper vouchers, and then helps you to monitor which vouchers are still outstanding. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who wants to issue numbered paper vouchers, and then track which vouchers have...
by Richard | Oct 31, 2018
Home Store SALES PIPELINE MANAGER What this spreadsheet does: It helps you to monitor your sales pipeline, in order to predict your future sales. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who has a long sales process, where the same process happens for each sale. Why you need...
by Richard | Aug 21, 2018
Home Store PRODUCT VALIDATION REPORT What this spreadsheet does: It looks at all of your products and sales, and shows you which products are the most lucrative. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who is selling a wide range of products with different margins. If you would...
by Richard | Jul 24, 2018
Home Store PURCHASE PRICE COMPARISON What this spreadsheet does: It compares like for like prices from various suppliers, in order to show you where to buy from to save the most money. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who is buying many items for their business (or for...
by Richard | May 11, 2018
Home Store SALES BREAKDOWN REPORT What this spreadsheet does: It produces a useful report of you sales, including a breakdown of where they are from. Who this is ideal for: Anyone who manually takes sales, and wishes to have reporting done on them. Why you need this...
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