by Richard | Nov 10, 2023 | What Excel Can Do, Why Use Excel
Back to Articles 5 Things to consider when analysing CSV data Introduction There is so much data available to us today, almost every website, social media platform, software package, etc, lets us export data as a CSV. The problem is that these CSV files on their own...
by Richard | Oct 31, 2023 | What Excel Can Do, Why Use Excel
Back to Articles When to use custom software, and when to use a custom spreadsheet There is often an argument between Excel developers and software developers, as to when to use each one. Each one could potentially badmouth the other, in order to create demand for...
by Richard | Aug 27, 2023 | Useful, What Excel Can Do
Back to Articles 5 Reasons to build a new spreadsheet Introduction I often get sent spreadsheets which people have inherited or created, and they want something that can do more. They will sometimes ask if I can simply use the spreadsheet that they have and...
by Richard | Jul 25, 2023 | Fun, Useful, What Excel Can Do, Why Use Excel
Back to Articles How a spreadsheet to help with a mobile football game, helps me to make business spreadsheets In case you want to play this game, it is called ‘Sidelines’ and is in the Google Play Store. If you do sign up, use...
by Richard | Jul 11, 2023 | Useful, What Excel Can Do
Back to Articles Finding the balance between cost and functionality When you go online looking to buy a specific product, whether it be a phone, TV, pair of shoes, or car, you often determine what you need and then shop around. If you then did a search for a...
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