How a £500 Spreadsheet Saved a Salary
How a £500 Spreadsheet Saved a SalaryI was telling someone this story, and they suggested that I put this into a blog, so here it is. I went in to see a client, in order to deliver their custom-made...
Why You Should Outsource Your Spreadsheet Creation
Why You Should Outsource Your Spreadsheet Creation Before I tell you why you should outsource your spreadsheet creation, there are times that you should do it yourself. Those times are few and far...
Surveys, Appraisals, Questionnaires, and Feedback using Excel
Surveys, Appraisals, Questionnaires, and Feedback using Excel You may use a ready-made survey tool, or some other way of gathering responses in order to create a report, but often the...
How secure are your spreadsheets?
How secure are your spreadsheets? Before I start this blog, I need to make it clear what I am talking about. Spreadsheets are merely documents, so their overall security is mostly...
Processes, Results, and Spreadsheets
Processes, Results, and Spreadsheets In this post I want to show you how changing your processes can see you gain desired results, and how spreadsheets can help with this. Many of us know what...
How is Your LinkedIn Contact List Growing?
How is Your LinkedIn Contact List Growing? I have been actively growing my LinkedIn contact list for a while now, and I was curious to know how I have done. Which months were the most successful at...
Forget Big Data, Understand Your Little Data
Forget Big Data, Understand Your Little Data There seems to be a trend at the moment about 'big data', but do you actually know what that is? Why is it such a trend, and is there...
Why a Software Package Isn’t Necessarily Better Than Your Spreadsheet
Why a Software Package Isn’t Necessarily Better Than Your Spreadsheet OK, before I get every software developer and salesperson on my back, let me just put in a disclaimer. There is...
Management Dashboards – Traffic Lights for Your Business
Management Dashboards – Traffic Lights for Your Business No matter what type of business you run, and how big or small it is, we all have one thing in common. We need to know how they...
Are Spreadsheets GDPR Compliant?
Are Spreadsheets GDPR Compliant? I have been asked a few times if my spreadsheets are GDPR compliant. Instead of explaining this again, I thought I’d rather write this post instead. So, if you’re...
Pivot Table v Formulas
Pivot Table v Formulas One of Excel’s major strengths is analysing data, that is why most people use it. They have data which they have been capturing, and now they need Excel to analyse that data...
5 Misconceptions of Microsoft Excel
5 Misconceptions of Microsoft Excel Excel is just for spreadsheets. This is probably the most common misconception that I come up against, and it is complete rubbish. Most of the points of the...
Why I Love Spreadsheets
Why I Love Spreadsheets You’re probably thinking that it is not at all strange that someone who owns a company called Spreadsheet Solutions has written a post about why they love spreadsheets, but I...